The Carbon Initiative for Development (Ci-Dev) is a World Bank trust fund that mobilizes private finance for clean energy access in low-income countries.
The Carbon Initiative for Development (Ci-Dev) uses a multi-pronged approach in achieving its mission of building capacity to access carbon finance for energy access in developing countries.
Ci-Dev supports programs that demonstrate how carbon finance can benefit poor or vulnerable communities, deliver development benefits alongside emissions reductions, and result in financial savings or welfare improvements. Its portfolio consists of thirteen programs, twelve of which are implemented in Sub-Saharan Africa and one in South Asia.
The Standardized Crediting Framework (SCF) is a streamlined, country-owned emissions reduction crediting framework that improves transparency of national crediting decision-making, reduces transaction costs, and shortens the time it takes to generate those emissions reductions. Developed and supported by the Carbon Initiative for Development (Ci-Dev), the SCF builds on the lessons learned from experiences with the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) model, which was developed and used under the Kyoto treaty.
One of the main objectives for Ci-Dev is to distill and disseminate lessons learned from its work to inspire further scaling and replication. In particular, Ci-Dev has developed expertise and knowledge related to carbon crediting methodology, the fund’s portfolio of low-carbon energy access programs in low income countries, and results-based finance barriers and approaches.